
The Modeling conference 2024 will feature four engaging workshops on modeling topics covering LLMs, modeling in production, research data management, and ethics in modeling. There is sure to be one that matches your research interests:

The workshop proceedings are available for download here.

Modeling in the Age of Large Language Models (LLM4Modeling’24)

Peter Fettke, Hans-Georg Fill, Julius Köpke

Large language models (LLM) have received enormous attention in practice and science since ChatGPT at the latest. It is obvious that the use of LLM has the potential to quickly develop some rudimentary aspects of a domain model. However, it is unclear in which precision and quality this might be possible. The question is how modeling deals with LLM in the future. Which influence will LLM have on modeling? How will the tasks of modeling change? Will modeling lose its importance? Or, the other way around, will modeling increase its importance in the future?

The workshop aims at illuminating potentials and challenges of LLM in modeling. The following topics are addressed by the workshop (list is not exhaustive):

Modeling in (and for) Production (MoPro’24)

István Koren, Bianca Wiesmayr, Jürgen Mangler

The production domain is permeated by heterogeneous data sources, a variety of IT systems, and complex industrial use cases - aspects that offer an exciting field for research. The MoPro Workshop aims to be a platform for researchers and practitioners within the production domain to exchange their modeling techniques, interesting use cases, and challenges. We are interested in the use of models for development, production, and usage cycles, as well as model-based and model-driven approaches that span these domains across disciplinary boundaries.

Research Data Management in Modelling in Computer Science (RDiMOD’24)

Agnes Koschmider, Christian Terboven, Michael Goedicke

Handling research data is an essential part of many projects. Large research projects must always present a plan for how they will handle research data. The consortium NFIDxCS started working to provide systematic and structured processes to obtain the information to build an infrastructure to handle research data. The workshop therefore provides a basis for discussing systematic approaches to dealing with research data.

Virtues and Values in Conceptual Modeling and Requirements Engineering (ViVa Models!’24)

Alexander Rachmann, Jens Gulden

Ethics and human values in developing software systems have long been a topic of discussion. This workshop will reflect about models and methods for incorporating values into system development. A specific focus lies on how ethical reasoning can be supported with the help of software-tools. The workshop offers paper presentations and an interactive part in which specific modeling methods are applied and discussed in detail.