Welcome to Modellierung 2024!
Greetings and a warm welcome to all attendees, speakers, and sponsors of Modellierung 2024 – the premier conference of the QFAM special interest group where theory meets practice in the fascinating world of modeling. As we gather in this dynamic forum, we’re set to explore the latest research results and challenges, spanning across various sub-disciplines including software engineering, systems design, process modeling, and more.
Whether you’re here to share your insights, to learn about the cutting-edge advancements, or to network with fellow professionals, Modellierung 2024 promises an enriching experience filled with engaging sessions, interactive workshops, and insightful keynotes. As we embark on this exciting journey, we encourage you to engage, collaborate, and exchange ideas, fostering new connections.
We thank you for being an integral part of Modellierung 2024 and look forward to an unforgettable event filled with learning, innovation, and collaboration.
Welcome aboard, and let’s have a wonderful conference!
Mathias Weske (General Chair Modellierung 2024)
Our Sponsors
Explore Potsdam
No plans for the evening? Check out our suggestions for exploring Potsdam.Wednesday
Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems: A Hybrid Intelligence Augmentation Program
Cyber-human systems are formed by the coordinated interaction of human and computational components. In this talk, I will argue that these systems can only be designed as trustworthy systems if the interoperation between their components is meaning preserving. For that, we need to take the challenge of semantic interoperability between these components very seriously. I will discuss a notion of trustworthy semantic models and defend its essential role in addressing this challenge. Finally, I will advocate that engineering and evolving these semantic models as well as the languages in which they are produced require a hybrid intelligence augmentation program resting on a combination of techniques including formal ontology, logical representation and reasoning, crowd-sourced validation, and automated approaches to mining and learning.
More detailsConference Reception
Join us for an evening of engaging conversations and delightful networking at our conference reception in the Forum. This is your perfect opportunity to connect with fellow attendees, speakers, and industry leaders in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy light refreshments as you mingle and discuss the day’s insights. The ‘Forum’ awaits you for an unforgettable evening of connections and discoveries. Don’t miss this chance to expand your professional network in a setting that’s as inviting as it is inspiring. See you there!
Model-driven Design and Automation of Process Orchestrations in Manufacturing
Manufacturing is a domain that spans a broad range of process orchestration scenarios with different requirements regarding the degree of automation and human involvement. Moreover, context is provided in manufacturing orchestrations by a rich set of sensor streams that (externally) influence the process execution and outcome. In this keynote, the model-driven design and automation of different real-world manufacturing scenarios is presented. We explain the arising challenges and how they can be met by existing process technologies. Future research directions and opportunities, in particular, the interplay of process automation and process mining conclude the keynote.
More detailsSocial Event and Dinner
Prepare to be enchanted on the second evening of our conference with a blend of art, history, and culinary excellence. The evening begins with a visit to the distinguished Barberini Museum, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to explore the hauntingly beautiful works of Edvard Munch.
Don’t forget to bring your vouchers and badge to the museum and to the restaurant for admission!
Getting to the Barberini Museum
There are connections from HPI/Griebnitzsee to the museum every ten minutes. Starting at Griebnitzsee, take the S-Bahn
to Potsdam Main Station depaturing at 15:47 (alternatives running :37, :57, …). From there, you can either have a short walk of ten minutes (700 m) to the museum, or take the tram92
(destination: Kirschallee) at 15:57 (or :47, :07), exit at the stop “Alter Markt/Landtag”, and walk four minutes (300 m) to the entrance.See the public transport section for more information.
After immersing yourself in the world of Munch, we’ll transition from the artistic to the historic as we journey through the picturesque city of Potsdam. Whether you choose to take a leisurely walk or opt for the convenience of public transportation, the path to our dinner destination is as delightful as the destination itself.
Getting from the museum to the restaurant
Public transportation: There are several bus lines that run from the Museum to the vicinity of the restaurant: Either take the bus
(destination: Alt-Golm) at 17:40 or 18:00 from the stop “Schloßstraße” (6 min. from museum) and get off at stop “Schloss Sanssouci” right next to the restaurant. Or take the bus line614
(destination: Gutenpaaren) at 17:19 or line650
(destination: Nauen) at 17:38, both departing from the stop “Alter Markt/Landtag” (5 min. from museum), and exit at the stop “Schloss Sanssouci/Bornstedter Str.” from where it is a five minute walk to the restaurant. All connections take approximately 20 minutes, including walking time.Schedules are subject to change. See the public transport section for more information.
Walking: If you’re feeling up for a bit more adventure, a walk from the museum to the restaurant offers a delightful way to experience some of Potsdam’s most scenic spots as the evening begins to unfold. Our recommended stroll, about 3 km or roughly 40 minutes, leads through the city center, taking you past the Brandenburg Gate (yes, there’s one here too!), and towards the picturesque scene of the water fountain set against the backdrop of Sanssouci within its renowned park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Along the way, you’ll pass the actual historic mill before arriving at the restaurant. See recommended route
Alternatively, the Barberini Museum app offers an “Italy in Potsdam” audio tour, which takes you from the museum to Park Sanssouci, providing interesting insights into the history and background of various places and buildings (available in German and Italian only).
The evening continues at the exquisite ‘Zur historischen Mühle’ restaurant, nestled right beside the enchanting Park Sanssouci. Here, amidst historical elegance and natural beauty, we’ll enjoy a delightful conference dinner. This is more than just a meal; it’s a chance to unwind, connect, and savor the local flavors in a setting that’s as culturally rich as it is picturesque. This night promises to be a memorable journey through culture, history, and gastronomy. We look forward to sharing it with you!
Getting back to Potsdam City Center
In the late evening, the only bus that runs near the restaurant is the line
(destination: Potsdam main station). It leaves every hour at :13 from the stop “Schloss Sanssouci”. Alternatively, you can walk for 17 minutes (1.3 km) to the stop “Luisenplatz-Süd”, where there are plenty of options for getting around even in the late evening.
Models for Human-Machine Teaming for Shared Decision-Making under Uncertainty
There is growing uncertainty about the runtime environment of software systems. Therefore, how the system should behave under different contexts cannot be fully predicted at design time. It is considerations such as these that have led to the development of self-adaptive systems (SAS), which can dynamically and autonomously reconfigure their behaviour to respond to changing external conditions. The use of Machine Learning (ML) and AI has exacerbated the issues by adding more uncertainty sources. The scope of the talk is in the areas of Model-driven Engineering (MDE), Requirements Engineering (RE), software engineering (SE), and the development of techniques to quantify uncertainty to improve decision-making. The explicit treatment of uncertainty by the running system improves its judgment to make decisions supported by evaluating evidence found during runtime, possibly including the human-in-the-loop. The speaker will discuss how quantification of uncertainty can improve requirement elicitation (using simulations, for example). The talk will also cover different approaches to quantifying uncertainty, models@run.time and their role in Human-Machine Teaming.
More detailsHave some time left?
Check out our suggestions for exploring Potsdam.Useful information
The main lecture hall of building L, opposite of the entrance on the ground floor.
A smaller lecture hall located on the first floor of building L.
A seminar room located on the first floor of building L.
After entering Haus L, turn left and pass the staircase on the ground floor.
The café is located on the ground floor of Haus A.
Buildings and Locations
Building L is where the conference will be held. It is located at Campus II, turning right when leaving the train station Griebnitzsee.
You can find Building A at Campus 1, turning left when leaving the train station Griebnitzsee.
The canteen is located in between Campus I and II, directly opposite of the exit of train station Griebnitzsee.
Museum Barberini, located in the city center of Potsdam, is hosting the exhibition "Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth" during the conference.
We will have our conference dinner at this lovely restaurant next to Sanssouci Park. See the program for more information on how to get there.
Floor Plan Building L

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Need help?
Feel free to speak to one of the conference staff at any time, who you can recognize by their black HPI sweater.Our Sponsors
mgm technology partners
mgm technology partners („mgm“) ist ein internationales Softwareunternehmen, das auf die Entwicklung von individuellen Geschäftsanwendungen spezialisiert ist. mgm steht für ein integriertes Serviceangebot mit der Zielsetzung der hocheffizienten Softwareentwicklung. Dies wird erreicht durch die A12 Enterprise Low Code-Plattform, Model-driven Software Engineering und jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in der Implementierung von Enterprise-Projekten. Für die stetige Verbesserung dieses Konzepts und um die führende Position auszubauen, arbeitet mgm auch mit mehreren Universitäten zusammen (RWTH Aachen, Universität Bern, LMU München, Universität Bamberg).
Insbesondere bei großen, komplexen und langlaufenden Softwareprojekten wird mgm beauftragt, wenn Skalierbarkeit, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit im Mittelpunkt stehen, z. B. bei ELSTER und Kunden wie Lidl oder Allianz.
mgm hat die eigenen Software-Produktionsprozesse in den zurückliegenden Jahren konsequent verbessert – hin zu einer projektübergreifenden Optimierung. Ergebnis ist eine eigene Produktentwicklung auf Basis der A12 Enterprise-Low-Code-Plattform. Darauf aufbauend werden Softwareprodukte wie mgm Cosmo (Branchenlösung für Industrieversicherungen) und TMT (Testmanagement für Softwareentwicklung) angeboten. Je mehr Anwendungen nach diesem industriellen Fertigungsansatz umgesetzt werden, umso stärker werden mgm und auch die mit A12 arbeitenden Organisationen von diesem skalierbaren Ansatz profitieren. mgm folgt dabei dem Ansatz der Digitalen Souveränität, nach der jedes Unternehmen die Hoheit und das Wissen über die eigenen IT-Systeme und Daten behält.
Zusammen mit dem dedizierten Serviceangebot der Tochterunternehmen mgm consulting partners (Managementberatung), mgm security partners (Security), mgm integration partners (SAP-Prozessoptimierung) und QFS Quality First Software (Testautomatisierung) deckt mgm die komplette Bandbreite für Digitalisierungsprojekte ab.
SAP Signavio
SAP Signavio solutions help companies accelerate each phase of any transformation project, allowing them to prepare faster, deploy faster, and realize continuous value. As a market leader in business process transformation, customers look to us to provide clarity and guidance on how to improve operations, processes, and outcomes. Our unique portfolio of solutions, methodologies, content, and data is designed to help customers create a culture of collaborative, data-driven, and ongoing process improvement. SAP Signavio Business Process Transformation Suite is built to strengthen collaboration across business and IT, connect business strategy to daily operations, and create adaptable and sustainable businesses. For more information visit
business. people. technology. Kerngeschäftsprozesse optimieren durch den gezielten Einsatz moderner IT Erfolgreiches Geschäft entsteht durch innovative Ideen, zukunftsfähige Strategien und passgenaue IT-Lösungen, die Unternehmen optimal bei ihren individuellen Herausforderungen unterstützen. Immer sind dabei Menschen beteiligt, die den richtigen Mix aus Technologieexpertise und fundiertem Verständnis für das jeweilige Geschäft der Kunden mitbringen. Mit einem Team von über 9.200 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern arbeiten wir an 64 Standorten innerhalb der adesso Group als einer der führenden IT-Dienstleister im deutschsprachigen Raum täglich daran, die Vorhaben unserer Kunden erfolgreich ans Ziel zu bringen.
Die OMiLAB (Open Models Initiative LABoratory) gGmbH ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation (NPO) mit Sitz in Berlin. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, eine globale Community-of-Practice im Bereich konzeptionelle Modellierung zu etablieren, deren Teilnehmer Modelle, Modellierungsansätze/Metamodelle in einem offenen Ansatz entwickeln und global zur Verfügung stellen. Als solches unterstützt OMiLAB NPO ein wachsendes Netzwerk an autonom agierenden Knoten (mit Stand Jänner 2024 sind 22 Knoten global verfügbar - Der Wissensaustausch, die Entwicklung von Prototypen, und der Anwendung von konzeptioneller Modellierung in verschiedensten Fachbereichen steht dabei im Vordergrund.
OMiLAB agiert dabei als Plattform und stellt das OMiLAB Digital Innovation Environment (DIEn) der Community zur Verfügung. DIEns werden verteilt an allen Knoten betrieben und stellen eine Hardware- und Softwareumgebung zur Verfügung um, einem explorativen Ansatz folgend, innovative Ideen unter Laborbedingungen zu erproben. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen der Entwicklung von innovative Geschäftsmodellen, neuartiger Modellierungsansätze/Methoden, und Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) kann kollaborativ (physisch/virtuell) experimentell untersucht werden.
Die Community unterstützt diesen Entwicklungsprozess aufgrund des Open-Source Gedankens aktiv durch das zur Verfügung stellen von Plattformen (ADOxx Metamodelling Plattform –, OLIVE Microservice Plattform), Tools, Methoden und Ergebnissen.
Ein Kernaspekt der Arbeit von OMiLAB NPO stellt die Wissensvermittlung dar. Die jährliche NEMO ( Summerschool, organisiert durch dne OMiLAB Knoten an der Universität Wien, ADOxx Plattform Schulungen, Scene2Model (Design Thinking) und Bee-Up Tutorials, Workshops auf Konferenzen, und eine Buchserie ( werden gemeinschaftlich im Netzwerk organisiert. Weiterführende Information: und via Referenzen:
- OMiLAB: A Digital Innovation Environment, Online unter:
- Karagiannis D. et al. (2020) OMiLAB: A Smart Innovation Environment for Digital Engineers. In: Camarinha-Matos L.M., Afsarmanesh H., Ortiz A. (eds) Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0. PRO-VE 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 598. Springer, Cham. DOI:
- Karagiannis, D., Buchmann, R. A., & Utz, W. (2022). The OMiLAB Digital Innovation environment: Agile conceptual models to bridge business value with Digital and Physical Twins for Product-Service Systems development. Computers in Industry, 138. DOI:
Discover Potsdam
What to do in Potsdam
Potsdam offers a delightful blend of historical, cultural, and natural attractions that can make for a memorable experience. Known for its magnificent palaces and gardens, it has a rich history that dates back several centuries and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here are a few suggestions on how to enjoy your free evening in this beautiful city:
Visit the Dutch Quarter: After exploring Sanssouci, head to the Dutch Quarter (Holländisches Viertel), an area with over 150 red brick buildings in Dutch style. This unique architectural ensemble was built in the 18th century to attract Dutch craftsmen. Today, the area is bustling with cafes, boutiques, and galleries, making it a perfect place to wander, shop, and enjoy a coffee break.
Enjoy a boat tour on the Havel: Potsdam is surrounded by lakes and rivers, making a boat tour an excellent way to see the city from a different perspective. An evening cruise on the Havel River can offer stunning views of the city’s palaces and parks against the backdrop of a setting sun. It’s a relaxing way to wind down your afternoon before dinner.
Dine in the historic city center: For dinner, head to the historic city center near Brandenburger Straße, where you can find a variety of restaurants offering everything from traditional German cuisine to international dishes. Enjoy a meal in one of the charming outdoor terraces if the weather permits.
Attend a performance at the Hans Otto Theater: If you’re interested in the arts, check the schedule at the Hans Otto Theater, located on the banks of the Havel River. The theater hosts a range of performances, including plays, concerts, and dance, making for a culturally enriching evening.
Public Transport in Potsdam
The S-Bahn, busses, and trams connect most common places in Potsdam. You can use the offical website of the VBB, the local public transport authority, to search for connections. The VBB covers Berlin and whole Brandenburg, including Potsdam, so you can use it for connections to and from Berlin, too.
Each bus and tram in Potsdam has a ticket vending machine inside where you can buy your ticket. For the S-Bahn, you need to buy the ticket in advance at a machine on the platform. (You can also buy tickets prior to your ride on your mobile phone, using the VBB app.) When searching for a connection, the website/app will show you available ticket options.
Usually, you can choose between either a single fare ticket (2,60 €), a 4-trip ticket (4x independent single fare tickets for 8,40 €), or a 24h ticket (5,50 €). (Prices shown in brackets are for the area Potsdam AB, which is sufficient for traveling from Griebnitzsee (B) to Potsdam City Center (A)). When you buy a ticket from a vending machine, you still might need to validate it at a small greenish box in the bus/tram, depending on the type of ticket bought.